travelmanitoba Travel Manitoba travelmanitoba August 15, 2019

"I’m never going to forget the first time I saw a beluga whale up close. It was one week ago today. You could see them from a distance, little white humps bobbing in and out of the river - they looked kind of like whitecaps, and they were everywhere. If you didn’t know better it’d be easy to blame it on the wind. But as we made it out deeper onto the river, the engine slowed, bubbles crept out of the motor, and there they came. There could have been a dozen of them, I don’t know - I’d never processed anything like it before so I really wasn’t even sure what I was looking at. As a photographer, my first reaction was to pull out my camera and shoot. So I shot. And shot. And shot. And after a few minutes I stopped shooting, and looked all around me. They were still there. Maybe not the same ones, but with the amount that were out you’d never be able to tell. And then I laughed. And laughed. And laughed. And it was one of the most incredible things I’d ever seen. And that’s Churchill. Around every corner is something you may not have ever seen before. And if you have, it’s something you could never get sick of. The belugas didn’t really leave us that day. Or the day after. Or the day after that. It’s just how it is. And I’ve been holding off looking through these photos because I could still see them clearly in my mind. But today I looked. And I laughed. And here are some memories to share." #exploremb #explorecanada

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