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Wander Woman
Wander Woman @wanderwoman_Deb
@TourismWPG @TravelManitoba Thanks! I’m excited to see the new museum. I’m Métis and I have a particular interest i…
5:07 PM - 9 Feb 21
Travel Manitoba Travel Manitoba @TravelManitoba

@wanderwoman_Deb @TourismWPG So many Métis stories we could share with you from Winnipeg!

10:25 PM - 9 Feb 21
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@reidontravel @jennsmithnelson @TourismWPG @wag_ca @Thermeawinnipeg @NonsuchBeer Indeed @reidontravel ! We’...

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@HeckticTravels @TourismWPG YWG! You are welcome back when the time is right!