in reply to
Sabrina Pirillo
Sabrina Pirillo @sabrinapirillo
Thank you @TourismWPG @TravelManitoba @NonsuchBeer I cannot wait to pop that bottle of Tripel extra strong beer!…
10:25 AM - 6 Feb 21
Travel Manitoba Travel Manitoba @TravelManitoba

@sabrinapirillo @TourismWPG @NonsuchBeer Thanks for joining us to hear more about our fair city!

8:07 PM - 9 Feb 21
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@lindork @TourismWPG Yay! We’d love to have visit The Peg one day! You will love it.

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RT @WpgWestEndBIZ: Today is #NationalPizzaDay and here in the West End we are fortunate to have so many ama...