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TRAVELMANITOBA .COM 23 Dogsledding Best time to go: Anytime! Whether you visit in summer or winter, you can experience the thrill of speeding through the boreal forest with an enthusiastic (and many-legged) team led by Wapusk Adventures. When you visit in summer, the dogs will pull you in a cart and in winter, a sled. Join owner Dave Daley for a cultural talk about dogsledding, Métis culture and life in Churchill. Polar Bears Best time to go: July to November Throughout winter, polar bears are feasting on seals on the ice of Hudson Bay and are not visible when you travel to Churchill. In early summer as the sea ice melts, they make their way to the land, lounging in bright fireweed or sauntering along the rocky shore. Polar bears are visible during the summer, but they are often solitary. Travellers have a chance encounter to view them along the shoreline from the water when enjoying beluga boat tours. However, in October and November, as the temperatures begin to drop, the bears begin to gather and migrate back into the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in anticipation of the sea ice freezing and being able to access their winter feast, making fall the best time to visit. In October and November, travellers can view the bears from tundra vehicles designed to travel carefully over the delicate terrain. You can photograph the bears from the ground, assisted by trained guides, or stay at a remote eco-wilderness lodge set in the middle of the barren tundra to witness these incredible predators in their natural habitat. C H U RC H I L L C H U RC H I L L C H U RC H I L L C H U RC H I L L

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